Get Ready for Finals

NedEven though it’s only the end of October, it’s not too early to start planning for final exam time.  Here at CALI, our usage statistics go through the roof starting around Thanksgiving every year.  Accompanying this are lots of questions from students with registration issues, questions about authorization code contacts and lost passwords. I’m sure you get your fair share of panicked messages as well.  Now, none of us can do much to help the student that decides to register and take every CALI lesson 8 hours before their final exam, but with your help, we can make the transition into “Serious Finals Study Time” easier for everyone.

Early November is a great time to send out reminders to students via email or social media about CALI lessons and how they are a FREE study resource that your institution provides for them.  If you’re not feeling very creative, we have sample text available for these messages on our Marketing Blog:  Another idea is to have authorization code cards available at service point desks in your library, tech offices and for faculty to hand out.  You should have received enough for every student back in August, but if you need more, templates to print your own can be found here:  Please don’t post the authorization code on public websites, but you are more than welcome to post on password protected intranets and in emails.

By now your school has hopefully received a tube of CALI posters for you to display in and around your building.  There are several styles to choose from, some aimed at students and some at faculty.  If you have not received your posters, please let me know and I can send out replacements.  If you would like digital versions (including sizes optimized for vertical digital displays), downloads to those can be found here:

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